GB 50633-2010(英文版)核电厂工程测量技术规范
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上架时间:2014-09-01 00:00:00
GB 50633-2010(英文版)核电厂工程测量技术规范最新章节
查看全部- List of Quoted Standards
- Explanation of Wording in This Code
- Appendix Q Formulas for Relative Inclinational Deviation and Deflection of Foundations
- Appendix P Formulas for Inclination and Inclinational Deviation of Main buildings or Structures
- N.3 Intervisible Holes for Micro Network Surveying
- N.2 Control Points of Micro Network in Power Buildings
- N.1 Observation Pillars in Secondary Control Network
- Appendix N Markers and Monuments of Secondary Network Points,Micro Network Points and Intervisible Holes
- Appendix M Format of Decorations on Control Photos
- Appendix L Division and Numbering of Mapsheets