Lesson 2 Style of Business Letter 商务信函的格式
1. 齐头式(Block Style)
样信(Specimen Letter)1:完全或绝对平头式(Full or Extreme Block Style)
EL Mar Trading Company
12 Main Street
Our ref.KMP/DE
California U.S.A
Your ref.Tel:3-235678
Date:20 January 20xx
Cable Address:ELMAR FRESNO
China National Cereals,Oils and Foodstuffs
Import & Export Corporation
82 Tung An Men Street
People's Republic of China
Re:Chinese Fruits & Nuts
We have made inquiry to the Liasion Office of the People's Republic of China in Washington, D.C.and they have asked that we contact your office for the supply of the above commodity.
We are importers,packers and exporters of all types of dried fruits and nuts. We have been in this line for almost fifty years and sell both bulk packs and consumer packs here in United States and abroad. We enclose a list showing our business activities.
We are interested to discuss with your representative the types of dried fruits and nuts which you have available for export to the U.S..In this regard we would like to visit the Guangzhou Trade Fair. I would be the only representative from our firm who would travel to the Fair.
From the information we have been able to gather,I believe that we could do a large import business in Chinese fruits and nuts,for both bulk and consumer package trade.
Kindly let us hear from you concerning the possibility of our attending the Trade Fair. For information concerning our firm,you may contact the U.S.Department of Agriculture,the California Dried Fruit Association of the Fresno Chamber of Commerce. They are well acquainted with our firm.
Yours sincerely,
Encl. As stated
样信(Specimen Letter)2:改良平头式(Modified Block Style)(除日期、结尾礼词和签名部分外,其他部分每行开头都与左边空白边缘看齐)
Jameson & Sons Ltd.,
34 Madison Square,
Melborne B.C.2,Australia
22 January,20xx
Our Ref:SEL/CEN/JVD/Z.1119
Your Ref.No.M.306/0038
China National,Machinery Import & Export Corporation
P.O.BOX 49,
People's Republic of China
We thank you for your letter of 10th January acknowledging receipt of catalogues dealing with compressors manufactured by Messrs Peter Brotherhood Limited.
In accordance with the request contained in the last sentence of your letter,we are having the pleasure of sending to you under separate cover three copies of catalogue dealing with the compressors produced by Messrs Fullerton,Hodgart & Barday Limited.
We trust these will be of interest to you. Further compressor catalogues will be forwarded to you as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Managing Director
2. 缩进式(Indented Style)
缩进式指信函的每部分处于信笺的不同位置,同一个部分的不同行也不对齐。信头放在信笺的中间,日期放在信笺的右上端,封内地址从信笺的左端开始写,签名放在中间偏右下方。信头和封内地址每逢换行时,下一行要比上一行往右缩进2~3个字母。正文的每一个段落的第一行要从左边空白边缘处向右缩进3 ~5 个字母,段落之间要空1 ~2 行。如样信3。
样信(Specimen Letter)3:
China National Light Industrial Products
Our Ref.No.
Import & Export Corporation
82 Tung an Men Street
January 30,20xx
Your Ref.No.
The Pakistan Trading Company
15,Broad Street
Re:Chinese Light Industrial Products
We thank you for your letter of January 10 and shall be glad to enter into business relations with your firm.
As you know,it is our policy to trade with the people of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. We believe we shall be able,by joint efforts,to promote friendship as well as business.
We are sending you 5 pamphlets and a price list covering part of our exports. Please advise what articles you are interested in at present.
Your early replay will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
3. 混合式(Semi-block Style with Indented Paragraphs)
样信(Specimen Letter)4:
M.D.Ewart & Co.,Ltd.,
36 Tower Street,
Toronto 4,Canada
August 22.20xx
Our Ref.No.SWE/119
Your Ref.No.306/0038
China National Metals & Minerals
Import & Export Corporation,
P.O.Box No.65
People's Republic of China
Dear Sirs,
Re:Heating Supplies
We are wholesale distributors of pluming and heating supplies and are interested in the products you show in the China Foreign Trade No.2 of 20xx.
We would like to hear from you with reference to importing merchandise from China. If we can work together to our mutual benefit,arrangements can be made for one of our representatives to make the trip to China and contact your office in person.
We are herewith enclosing our latest catalogue showing the items we carry at the present time.
Please let us know whether you can manufacture items as per Canadian patterns.
Kindly send us your complete catalogue and price list quoting the best discount for quantity buying.
Thank you for your kind attention to the matter and trust to hear from you in the near future.
Yours truly,
M.D.Eware & Co.,Ltd.
Encl.As stated.