[50] i.e. which fit into sockets in the threshold and lintel and act as hinges. These hinges have caused many disputes about how they were fixed,for instance in caverns without moveable lintel or threshold. But one may observe that the upper projections are longer than the lower and that the door never fits close above,so by lifting it up the inferior pins are taken out of the holes. It is the oldest form and the only form known to the Ancients. In Egyptian the hinge is called Akab=the heel,hence the proverb Wakaf' albab ala'akabin;the door standeth on its heel;i.e. every thing in proper place.
[51] Hence the addresses to the Deity: Ya Satir and Ya Sattar
Thou who veilest the sins of Thy Servants! said e.g.,when a woman is falling from her donkey,etc.
[52] A necessary precaution,for the headsman who would certainly lose his own head by overhaste.
[53] The passage has also been rendered,'and rejoiced him by what he said'(Lane i,600).
[54] Arab.'Hurr'=noble,independent (opp. to'Abd=a servile)
often used to express animae nobilitas as in Acts xvii.11;where the Beroeans were'more noble'than the Thessalonians.
The Princess means that the Prince would not lie with her before marriage.
[55] The Persian word is now naturalized as AngloEgypeian.
[56] Arab.'khassat hu'= removed his testicles,gelded him.
[57] Here ends the compound tale of Taj alMuluk cum Aziz plus Azizah,and we return to the history of King Omar's sons.
[58]'Zibl'popularly pronounced Zabal,means'dung.'Khan is'Chief,'as has been noticed;'Zabbal,'which Torrens renders literally'dungdrawer,'is one who feeds the Hammam with bois devache,etc.
[59] i.e one who fights the Jihad or'Holy War': it is equivalent to our'good knight.'
[60] Arab.'Malik.'Azud al Daulah,a Sultan or regent under the Abbaside Caliph AlTa'i li'llah (regn. A.H. 363381) was the first to take the title of'Malik.'The latter in poetry is still written Malik.
[61] A townlet on the Euphrates,in the'awwal Sham,'or frontier of Syria.
[62] i.e.,the son would look to that.
[63] A characteristic touch of Arab pathos,tender and true.
[64] Arab.'Mawarid'from'ward'= resorting to pool or water pit (like those of'Gakdul') for drinking,as opposed to'Sadr'=returning after having drunk at it. Hence the'Sadir'(part. act.) takes precedence of the'Warid'in AlHariri (Ass.of the Badawi).
[65] One of the fountains of Paradise (Koran,chaps. Ixxvi.):
the word lit. means'water flowing pleasantly down the throat.'
The same chapter mentions'Zanjabil,'or the Gingerfount,which to the Infidel mind unpleasantly suggests'ginger pop.'
[66] Arab.'Takhil'= adorning with Kohl.
[67] The allusions are farfetched and obscure as in Scandinavian poetry. Mr. Payne (ii. 314) translates'Naml'by'net.'I understand the ant (swarm) creeping up the cheeks,a common simile for a young beard. The lovers are in the Laza (hell) of jealousy etc.,yet feel in the Na'im (heaven) of love and robe in green,the hue of hope,each expecting to be the favoured one.
[68] Arab.'Ukhuwan,'the classical term. There are two chamomiles,the white (Babunaj) and the yellow (Kaysun),these however are Syrian names and plants are differently called in almost every Province of Arabia [69] In nomadic life the parting of lovers happens so frequently that it become. a stock topic in poetry and often,as here,the lover complains of parting when he is not parted. But the gravamen lies in the word'Wasl'which may mean union,meeting,reunion Or coition. As Ka'ab ibn Zuhayr began his famous poem with'Su'ad hath departed,'900 imitators (says AlSiyuti)
adopted the Nasib or address to the beloved and Su'ad came to signify a cruel,capricious mistress.
[70] As might be expected from a nation of camelbreeders actual cautery which can cause only counterirritation,is a favourite nostrum;and the Hadis or prophetic saying is'Akhir aldawa (or altibb) alKayy'= cautery is the end of medicine
cure;and'Fire and sickness cannot cohabit.'Most of the Badawi bear upon their bodies grisly marks Of this heroic treatment,whose abuse not unfrequently brings on gangrene. The Hadis (Burckhardt,Proverbs,No. 30) also means'if nothing else avail,take violent measures.
[71] The Spaniards have the same expression:'Man is fire and woman is tinder.'
[72] Arab.'Bashik'from Persian'Bashah'(accipiter Nisus) a fierce little species of sparrowhawk which I have described in'Falconry in the Valley of the Indus'(p. 14,etc.).
[73] Lit.'Coals (fit) for frying pan.'
[74] Arab.'Libdah,'the sign of a pauper or religious mendicant. He is addressed'Ya Abu libdah!'(O father of a felt calotte!)
[75] In times of mourning Moslem women do not use perfumes or dyes,like the Henna here alluded to in the pink legs and feet of the dove.
[76] Koran,chaps. ii. 23. The idea is repeated in some forty Koranic passages.
[77] A woman's name,often occurring. The'daughters of Sa'ada'are zebras,so called because'they resemble women in beauty and graceful agility.'
[78] Arab.'Tiryak'from Gr. a drug against venomous bites. It was compounded mainly of treacle,and that of Baghdad and Irak was long held sovereign. The European equivalent,'Venice treacle,'(Theriaca Andromachi) is an electuary containing many elements. Badawin eat for counter poison three heads of garlic in clarified butter for forty days.(Pilgrimage iii 77 )
[79] Could Cervantes have read this? In Algiers he might easily have heard it recited by the taletellers. Kanmakan is the typical Arab Knight,gentle and valiant as Don Quixote Sabbah is the Grazioso,a'Beduin'Sancho Panza. In the'Romance of Antar'
we have a similar contrast with Ocab who says:'Indeed I am no fighter: the sword in my handpalm chases only pelicans ;'and,'whenever you kill a satrap,I'll plunder him.'
[80] i.e. The Comely,son of the Spearman,son of the Lion,or Hero.