We had such a pretty house there, that is, half a house; you see it was a double one, and--""Maria," her husband waved his hand, "why trouble our friends with unnecessary details.""But it WAS a pretty house, 'C.,' dear," with a pathetic little sigh. "I've missed it a great deal since, Miss Warren. 'C.' had a joke about it--he's such a joker! He used to call it 'Gad's Hill, Junior.'""Named after some of David B.'s folks?" asked Captain Elisha innocently. The answer, delivered by Mr. Dickens, was condescending and explanatory.
Caroline laughed, actually laughed aloud, when the visit was over.
Her uncle was immensely pleased.
"Hooray!" he cried. "I'll invite 'em up to stay a week. That's the fust time I've heard you laugh for I don't know when."She laughed again. "I can't help it," she said; "they are so funny."The captain chuckled. "Yes," he said, "and they don't know it. Ical'late a person's skull has got room for just about so much in it and no more. Cornelius Charles's head is so jammed with self-satisfaction that his sense of humor was crowded out of door long ago."One boarder at Mrs. Hepton's did not call, nor did Captain Elisha allude to him. Caroline noticed the latter fact and understood the reason. Also, when the captain went to the city, as he frequently did, and remained longer than usual, she noticed that his explanations of the way in which he spent his time were sometimes vague and hurried. She understood and was troubled. Yet she thought a great deal on the subject before she mentioned it.
On the April afternoon when Caroline sat at the window of the living room awaiting her uncle's return she was thinking of that subject. But, at last, her mind was made up. It was a hard thing to do; it was humiliating, in a way; it might--though she sincerely hoped not--be misconstrued as to motive; but it was right. Captain Elisha had been so unselfish, so glad to give up every personal inclination in order to please her, that she would no longer permit her pride to stand in the way of his gratification, even in little things. At least, she would speak to him on the matter.
He came on a later than his usual train, and at dinner, when she asked where he had been, replied, "Oh, to see Sylvester, and--er--around." She asked him no more, but, when they were together in the living room, she moved her chair over beside his and said without looking at him:
"Uncle Elisha, I know where you've been this afternoon. You've been to see Mr. Pearson.""Hey?" He started, leaned back and regarded her with astonishment and some alarm.
"You've been to see Mr. Pearson," she repeated, "haven't you?""Why--why, yes, Caroline, I have--to tell you the truth. I don't see how you knew, but," nervously, "I hope you don't feel bad 'cause I did. I go to see him pretty often. You see, I think a good deal of him--a whole lot of him. _I_ think he's a fine young feller. Course I know you don't, and so I never mention him to you. But I do hope you ain't goin' to ask me not to see him."She shook her head. "No," she said. "I would have no right to ask that, even if I wished to. And I do not wish it. Uncle Elisha, if you were alone here, he would come to see you; I know he would.
Invite him to come, please."
His astonishment was greater than ever.
"Invite him to come HERE?" he asked. "To see you?""No," hastily; "to see you. This is your home. I have no right to keep your friends from visiting it. I know you would sacrifice everything for me, even them; but I will not be so selfish as to allow it. Ask him here, please. I really want you to."He pulled his beard. "Caroline," he answered slowly, "I'm much obliged to you. I understand why you're doin' this, and I thank you. But it ain't likely that I'll say yes, is it? And do you suppose Jim would come if I did ask him? He knows you believe he's a--well, all that's bad. You told him so, and you sent him away.
I will give in that I'd like to have him here. He's one of the few men friends I've made since I landed in New York. But, under the circumstances--you feelin' as you do--I couldn't ask him, and he wouldn't come if I did."She remained silent for a time. Then she said:
"Uncle, I want you to tell me the truth about Mr. Pearson and father--just why they quarreled and the real truth of the whole affair. Don't spare my feelings; tell me what you believe is the true story. I know you think Mr. Pearson was right, for you said so."The captain was much troubled.