第62章 7th July,1836
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.July 18,1836)7JULY,1836,MADRID,CALLE SANTIAGO,No.16PISO 3RO.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-The affair is settled -thank God!!!and we may begin to print whenever we think proper.
Perhaps you have thought I have been tardy in accomplishing the business which brought me to Spain;but to be able to form a correct judgment you ought to be aware of all the difficulties which I have had to encounter,and which I shall not enumerate;Ishall content myself with observing that for a thousand pounds Iwould not undergo again all the mortifications and disappointments of the last two months.
The present Ministry have been afraid to offend the clergy,and with great reason,as they are not of the movement or radical party,and many of their friends are bigoted papists;nevertheless,influenced by the pressing applications of the British Ambassador and being moreover well-disposed to myself,they have consented to the printing of the Testament;but it must be done in a private manner.I have just had a long interview with Mr.Isturitz,who told me that if we were resolved upon the enterprise we had best employ the confidential printer of the Government,who would keep the matter secret;as in the present state of affairs he would not answer for the consequences if it were noised abroad.I of course expressed my perfect readiness to comply with so reasonable a request.
I will now candidly confess to you that I do not think that the present Ministry,or,as it is generally called,the Court Ministry,will be able to stand its ground;nevertheless a change of Ministry would not alter the aspect of our affair in the least,for if the other or movement party come in,the liberty of the press (a great misfortune for Spain)would be probably granted;at all events,the influence of the English Ambassador would be greater than it is even at present,and upon his assistance I may rely at all times and occasions.
I am not aware that there is any great necessity for my continuance in Spain;nevertheless,should you think there is,you have only to command.But I cannot help thinking that in a month or two when the heats are over Mr.Graydon might return,as nothing very difficult remains to be accomplished,and I am sure that Mr.
Villiers at my entreaty would extend to him the patronage with which he has honoured me.But,as I before observed,I am ready to do whatever the Bible Society may deem expedient.
Do not forget THE TWO letters of thanks to the Ambassador,and it would not be unwise to transmit a VOTE of thanks to 'His Excellence Antonio Alcala Galiano,President of Marine,'who has been of great assistance to me.
I have the honour to be,Revd.and dear Sir,your most obedient servant,G.B.
P.S.-In about six weeks I shall want some more money.
My best remembrances to Mr.Jowett.