第6章 幸运的女孩(2)
They walked into the sitting room.Ding Rui opened her suitcases and took two parcels out:The gift for Kathy was her embroidery portrait.The gift for John was a bottle of XO.They both loved the gifts very much.Kathy put her embroidery portrait on the mantelpiece at once.
Kathy put a red box into the hand of Ding Rui."Jane!This is the gift of our family,"said she.Ding Rui opened the box.That was a car key.
"Marvelous.You are so kind to me,"shouted Ding Rui.
Kathy led Ding Rui to the sitting room window.She pointed at the red car outside of the garage and said:"I have driven this Toyota Matrix for 6years.Now it is yours.Jennifer will drive it to the Columbia University."
"We envy you very much.Anna dreamed to have it for a long time,"said Jennifer.
"Thank you very much,Aunt Kathy.Jennifer!You will drive itto our university for me.I owe you too much,"said Ding Rui.
"Girls!let's go to Jane's room,"said Kathy.They walked to the second floor.
"This is Anna's room.Your room is at the east end and next toJennifer's room,Jane,"said Kathy.
"Thanks,the room is very beautiful,"said Ding Rui.
"Now have a bath and come down stairs to have lunch,"saidKathy.
"That is great!"said Ding Rui.
Having had the bath,Ding Rui walked down stairs to the Dinning room.
"Aunt Kathy.I am hungry.What shall we have in the lunch?"said she.
"We will have steaks,"said John.
John took a barbecue out to the terrace.He put in coke and lighted it with a long match.When the flames had died down,he put on the steaks.
Kathy put the steaks cooked on the table.
"What do you want?Jane.Beer or soft drinks?"asked she."Coke please!"said Ding Rui.
They started to enjoy their lunch.
Ding Rui bit a piece of steak,chewed and swallowed.
"Daddy usually talks about his first meal with Aunt Kathy.He bought a dish of fried liver.Aunt Kathy told him,'I had every thing except liver.'Daddy said he learnt sometime later Americans never ate the innards of animals and poultry."said she.
"Interesting.He always remembers it,"said Kathy.
"They said Chinese like dog meat.In the restaurants,cooks usually mixed dog meat into dishes for people to eat."said Jennifer.
"Not really.I am afraid you are not so lucky.Only a very small proportion of restaurants serve dog meat in China.Dog meat is very expensive.When you want to buy a skirt made of cloth,nobody is silly enough to cheat you by selling you a silk one,"said Ding Rui.
"Really,that should be a stereotyped story,"said Anna.
"If you are invited to have a dinner in a large restaurant to taste famous dishes of famous cuisines.There is usually no dog meat.Chinese unusually say,'Dog meat can never be served in a banquet or a formal dinner party,'"said Ding Rui.
"Interesting!"said John.
"Let's go to Naples Island8tomorrow.It is very beautifulthere,"said Kathy.
"That is wonderful.I can not wait for it ,"said Ding Rui.
New Words and Expressions
1.embroidery n.刺绣
2.portrait n.肖像
3.mantelpiece n.壁炉架、壁炉台
4.Toyota 丰田
5.terrace n.露台
6.coke n.1.焦炭2.可乐
7.flame n.火焰、明火
8.bite vt.过去式bit 过去分词bitten
9.chew v.咀嚼
10.swallow v.吞咽
11.liver n.肝脏
12.innards n.内脏
13.poultry n.家禽
14.stereotype v.刻板印象