LUCKILY for us,Infadoos and the chiefs knew all the pathways of the great town perfectly,so that,notwithstanding the intense gloom,we made fair progress.
For an hour or more we journeyed on,till at length the eclipse began to pass,and that edge of the sun which had disappeared the first became again visible.In another five minutes there was sufficient light to see our whereabouts,and we then discovered that we were clear of the town of Loo,and approaching a large,flat-topped hill,measuring some two miles in circumference.This hill,which was of a formation very common in Southern Africa,was not very high;indeed,its greatest elevation was not more than two hundred feet,but it was shaped like a horseshoe,and its sides were rather precipitous and strewn with boulders.On the grass table-land at the top was ample camping-ground,which had been utilized as a military cantonment of no mean strength.Its ordinary garrison was one regiment of three thousand.men,but as we toiled up the steep side of the hill in the returning daylight we perceived that there were many more warriors than that upon it.
Reaching the table-land at last,we found crowds of men huddled together in the utmost consternation at the natural phenomenon which they were witnessing.Passing through these without a word,we gained a hut in the centre of the ground,where we were astonished to find two men waiting,laden with our few goods and chattels,which,of course,we had been obliged to leave behind in our hasty flight.
"I sent for them,"explained Infadoos;"also for these,"and he lifted up Good's long-lost trousers.
With an exclamation of rapturous delight Good sprang at them,and instantly proceeded to put them on.
"Surely my lord will not hide his beautiful white legs!"exclaimed lnfadoos,regretfully.
But Good persisted,and once only did the Kukuana people get the chance of seeing his beautiful legs again.Good is a very modest man.Henceforward they had to satisfy their aesthetic longings with one whisker,his transparent eye,and his movable teeth.
Still gazing with fond remembrance at Good's trousers,Infadoos next informed us that he had summoned the regiments to explain to them fully the rebellion which was decided on by the chiefs,and to introduce to them the rightful heir to the throne,Ignosi.
In half an hour the troops,in all nearly twenty thousand men,constituting the flower of the Kukuana army,were mustered on a large,open space,to which we proceeded.The men were drawn up in three sides of a dense square,and presented a magnificent spectacle.We took our station on the open side of the square,and were speedily surrounded by all the principal chiefs and.officers.
These,after silence had been proclaimed,Infadoos proceeded to address.He narrated to them in vigorous and graceful language --for,like most Kukuanas of high rank,he was a born orator -the history of Ignosi's father,how he had been basely murdered by Twala,the king,and his wife and child driven out to starve.Then he pointed out how the land suffered and groaned under Twala's cruel rule,instancing the proceedings of the previous night,when,under pretence of their being evil-doers,many of the noblest in the land had been hauled forth and cruelly done to death.Next he went on to say that the white lords from the stars,looking down on the land,had perceived its trouble,and determined,at great personal inconvenience,to alleviate its lot;how they had accordingly taken the real king of the country,Ignosi,who was languishing in exile,by the hand and led him over the mountains;how they had seen the wickedness of Twala's doings,and for a sign to the wavering,and to save the life of the girl Foulata,had actually,by the exercise of their high magic,put out the sun and slain the young fiend,Scragga;and how they were prepared to stand by them,and assist them to overthrow Twala,and set up the rightful king -Ignosi,in his place.
He finished his discourse amid a murmur of approbation,and then Ignosi stepped forward and began to speak.Having reiterated all that Infadoos,his uncle,had said,he concluded a powerful speech in these words:
"O chiefs,captains,soldiers,and people,ye have heard my words.
Now must ye make choice between me and him who sits upon my throne,the uncle who killed his brother,and hunted his brother's child forth to die in the cold and the night.That I am indeed the king these"-pointing to the chiefs -"can tell ye,for they have seen the snake about my middle.
If I were not the king,would these white men be on my side,with all their magic?Tremble,chiefs,captains,soldiers,and people!Is not the darkness they have brought upon the land to confound Twala,and cover our flight,yet before your eyes?""It is,"answered the soldiers.
"I am the king;I say to ye,I am the king,"went on Ignosi,drawing up his great stature to its full,and lifting his broad-bladed battle-axe above his head."If there be any man among ye who says that it is not so,let him stand forth,and I will fight him now,and his blood shall be a red token that I tell ye true.Let him stand forth,I say";and he shook the great axe till it flashed in the sunlight.
As nobody seemed inclined to respond to this heroic version of "Dilly,Dilly,come and be killed,"our late henchman proceeded with his address.
"I am indeed the king,and if ye do stand by my side in the battle,if I win the day ye shall go with me to victory and honor.I will give ye oxen and wives,and ye shall take place of all the regiments;and if ye fall I will fall with ye.