Bilger-Breustedt School Group
设计公司:Dietmar Feichtinger Architects
设计师:Dietmar Feichtinger
摄影师:Josef Pausch、Joe Feichtinger、Jo Pesendorfer

The Bilger Breustedt Elementary and Secondary school is open to nature with bright, sunny and spacious classrooms, and well-defined and readable outdoor function areas.
The parking and transport sector in the north is delimited by the main building. 50 parkings and the holding area for school buses are there. In the south of the ensemble a large lawn forms an attractive outdoor area and playground. The new with the existing buildings form an ensemble that blends into its surroundings. The buildings define its shape from its position on the site as well as their content. The relation of the interior to the surrounding landscape has become decisive.

Bilger Breustedt的小学部和初中部十分亲近自然,有着宽敞明亮的教室以及分工明确、易于辨认的户外功能区。北面的泊车与交通区域由主建筑划定界限,包括50个车位和校车等候区。南面巨大的草坪使户外区域和操场特别引人注目。新建筑与原有建筑构成一个整体,共同融入到周边环境中。建筑群不但定义了这个整体的外观,还决定了它的内容。室内与周围风景的关系也变得至关重要。