Word List 7

iconic /aɪˈkɑːnɪk/
【释】adj. 偶像的
【例】The ads helped Nike to achieve iconic status.
corroborate /kəˈrɑːbəreɪt/
【释】v. 确证 (confirm or give support to)
【例】The witness had corroborated the boy’s account of the attack.
【近】confirm, verify, ratify
etiquette /ˈetɪket/
【释】n. 礼节
【例】The article includes tips on etiquette.
【近】conduct, courtesy
trespass /ˈtrespəs/
【释】n./v. 擅自闯入
【例】Here is no excuse for trespassing on railroad property.
【近】intrude on
【释】v. 滥用
【例】I must not trespass on your good nature.
【释】v./n. 犯罪
【例】He asked forgiveness for his trespasses.
frivolous /ˈfrɪvələs/
【释】adj. 轻浮的 (superficial)
【例】Her words seemed utterly frivolous.
【近】superficial, shallow
【反】sensible, serious
【释】adj. 无聊的
【例】frivolous complaints
【释】adj. 愚蠢的 (inappropriately silly)
idyllic /aɪˈdɪlɪk/
【释】adj. 闲适恬静的 (extremely pleasant and peaceful)
【例】Married life was not as idyllic as he had imagined.
ferment /ˌfɜːrˈment/
【释】v. (使)发酵
【例】The wine ferments in oak barrels.
【释】v./n. (挑起)动乱
【例】The city was in a state of ferment after the election.
【近】restiveness, turmoil, restlessness
synergy /ˈsɪnərdʒi/
【释】n. 协同增效作用
【例】synergy between drug combinations
【近】interaction, cooperation
vex /veks/
【释】v. 使恼火 (make (someone) feel frustrated)
【例】It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back.
【近】annoy, irritate, anger, aggravate
aptitude /ˈæptɪtuːd/
【释】n. 天资
【例】an aptitude for higher mathematics
fledgling /ˈfledʒlɪŋ/
【释】n./adj. 无经验的(人);幼鸟 (new participant in some activity)
【例】That was one way that people tried to create unity in this early fledgling movement.
【近】apprentice, novice
backfire /ˌbækˈfaɪər/
【释】n./v. 事与愿违 (produce an undesired result)
【例】A victory for Mr. Bush and the internationalists could easily backfire.
【释】n./v. (引擎)逆火 (undergo a mistimed explosion)
emphatic /ɪmˈfætɪk/
【释】adj. 明确坚决的 (expressed or performed with emphasis)
【例】The rebels are emphatic that this is not a surrender.
【近】firm, certain, definite
vigilant /ˈvɪdʒɪlənt/
【释】adj. 警惕的
【例】We’ve become more vigilant since the neighbors were robbed.
【反】watchful, alert, guard, cautious
bask /bæsk/
【释】v. 享受;晒太阳 (derive or receive pleasure from)
【例】Voters in Nevada had hoped to bask in the glow of presidential candidates’ attention in the coming months.
【近】lounge, sprawl
exuberant /ɪɡˈzuːbərənt/
【释】adj. 热情洋溢的 (filled with a lively energy and excitement)
【例】giddily exuberant crowds
【近】cheerful, joyful, merry, jubilant
【反】gloomy, meager
dogma /ˈdɔːɡmə/
【释】n. 教义;信条
【例】a dogma of the Sikh religion
【近】teaching, creed
【释】adj. /ˈkɑːnsəmət/ 完整的,完美无缺的,无比的
【例】He played the shot with consummate skill.
【释】v. /ˈkɑnsəˌmeɪt/ 完成 (bring to completion)
【例】His scheme of colonization was consummated through bloodshed.
【近】complete, conclude, finish, accomplish
【释】v. 圆房 (make complete by having sexual intercourse)
【例】His first wife refused to consummate their marriage.
bribery /ˈbraɪbəri/
【释】n. 贿赂;受贿;行贿
【例】He could use bribery, blackmail, and other forms of coercion.
tantalize /ˈtæntəlaɪz/
【释】v. 逗弄,使干着急
【例】He was tantalized by the delicious smells coming from the restaurant.
【反】tease, lure, excite, intrigue
dismissive /dɪsˈmɪsɪv/
【释】adj. 轻蔑的
【例】He was given a dismissive wave and sent on his way.
embroidery /ɪmˈbrɔɪdəri/
【释】n. 刺绣;刺绣品;粉饰
【例】The girls were taught embroidery.
【反】embellishment, adornment, ornamentation
egalitarian /iˌɡælɪˈteriən/
【释】adj. 平等主义的
【例】an egalitarian society
【释】n. 平等主义者
defuse /ˌdiːˈfjuːz/
【释】v. 拆除
【例】He tried to defuse the grenade.
【释】v. 平息
【例】Officers are taught how to defuse potentially explosive situations.
apathy /ˈæpəθi/
【释】n. 冷淡
【例】widespread apathy among the voters
epitomize /ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz/
【释】v. 成为…的典范
【例】The company epitomized the problems faced by British industry.
engross /ɪnˈɡroʊs/
【释】v. 使全神贯注 (absorb all the attention or interest of)
【例】He seemed completely engrossed in his book.
【近】absorb, engage
labyrinth /ˈlæbərɪnθ/
【释】n. 迷宫
【例】a labyrinth of little streets
【近】maze, tangle
clandestine /klænˈdestɪn/
【释】adj. 秘密的 (kept secret or done secretively)
【例】She deserved better than these clandestine meetings.
antidote /ˈæntidoʊt/
【释】n. 矫正方法,对抗手段 (anything that takes away the effects of something unpleasant)
【例】Laughter is a good antidote to stress.
【释】n. 解毒药
【近】remedy, cure
palpable /ˈpælpəbl/
【释】adj. 明显的 (so intense as to seem almost tangible)
【例】a palpable sense of belief
【近】obvious, evident
negligent /ˈneɡlɪdʒənt/
【释】adj. 疏忽的;粗心大意的 (failing to take proper care)
【例】The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.
【近】careless, irresponsible, thoughtless, slack
intoxicate /ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪt/
【释】v. 使喝醉 (make drunk)
【例】Wine has the power to intoxicate.
【释】v. 使陶醉 (have an intoxicating effect on)
【例】Power will intoxicate the best hearts.
grueling /ˈɡruːəlɪŋ/
【释】adj. 使人筋疲力尽的
【例】a grueling hike through the snow
derail /dɪˈreɪl/
【释】v. 使…脱轨
benevolent /bəˈnevələnt/
【释】adj. 仁爱的 (well-meaning and kindly)
【例】a benevolent fund
【近】kind, hearted, benign, humanitarian
suffrage /ˈsʌfrɪdʒ/
【释】n. 选举权 (the right to vote)
【例】Suffrage for women is not yet a universal condition.
gratification /ˌɡrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/
【释】n. 感激
【例】For others it may mean serving the poor and gaining mental gratification.
【近】satisfaction, relief, pleasure
austere /ɔːˈstɪr/
【释】adj. 朴素的,简朴的 (plain in style and without decoration)
【例】The church is large and austere.
【释】adj. 严厉的,苛刻的 (strict or severe in discipline)
【例】I found her a rather austere, distant, somewhat cold person.
【近】severe, stern, strict, harsh
expedient /ɪkˈspiːdiənt/
【释】adj. 适宜的
【例】a politically expedient strategy
【释】n. 应急的手段
【例】a temporary expedient
impeccable /ɪmˈpekəbl/
【释】adj. 无缺点的
【例】She had impeccable taste in clothes.
【近】faultless, spotless, pristine, stainless, perfect
oblique /əˈbliːk/
【释】adj. 倾斜的
【例】an oblique line
【近】askew, crooked
【反】straight, direct, explicit
bloodshed /ˈblʌdʃed/
【释】n. 杀戮
【近】massacre, violence
pious /ˈpaɪəs/
【释】adj. 虔诚的 (devoutly religious)
【例】a pious family
【近】religious, spiritual, holy
【释】adj. 道貌岸然的,伪善的
【释】adj. 可望而不可即的
【例】a pious hope
【近】vain, hopeless, unlikely
calibrate /ˈkælɪbreɪt/
【释】v. 校正;调整
【例】Pesticide levels in food are simply too difficult to calibrate.
【近】adjust, measure, set
congest /kənˈdʒest/
【释】v. 拥挤;堵塞
【例】The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry.
【近】obstruct, jam
estrange /ɪˈstreɪndʒ/
【释】v. 使疏远;离间
【例】Some of my friends estranged themselves from me in my misfortune.
【近】alienate, turn away
fathom /ˈfæðəm/
【释】n. 英寻(水深度量单位)
【例】Sonar says that we’re in eighteen fathoms.
【释】v. 弄懂 (understand after much thought)
【例】He couldn’t fathom why she was being so anxious.
【近】understand, comprehend
recoil /rɪˈkɔɪl/
【释】v./n. 退缩,畏缩 (suddenly spring or flinch back)
【例】We are attracted by nice smells and recoil from nasty ones.
【反】【释】v./n. 冲;弹回 (a movement back from an impact)
【例】The policeman fires again, tensed against the recoil, unleashing round after round at his assailant.
sieve /sɪv/
【释】n./v. (用)筛子(筛);(用)滤网(过滤)
【例】Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree.
archaic /ɑːrˈkeɪɪk/
【释】adj. 古老的 (very old or old-fashioned)
【例】Archaic practices such as these are usually put forward by people of limited outlook.
【近】ancient, old
superfluous /suːˈpɜːrfluəs/
【释】adj. 多余的 (being more than enough)
【例】They were superfluous to requirements.
【近】excess, extra, spare
【反】necessary, essential
penchant /ˈpentʃənt/
【释】n. 爱好 (a habitual liking or tendency)
【例】to have a penchant for Chinese food
【近】preference, taste
consign /kənˈsaɪn/
【释】v. 把…托付给,把…委托给 (give over to another for care or safekeeping)
【例】Orphaned children were consigned to institutions.
【释】v. 托运 (give or send something to someone)
【例】The goods were consigned to you by railway.
【近】send to, deliver to
【释】v. 丢弃 (throw away)
【例】She consigned his letter to the waste basket.
monotonous /məˈnɑːtənəs/
【释】adj. 乏味的
【例】a monotonous job
【释】adj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的
【例】a monotonous voice
totalitarian /toʊˌtæləˈteriən/
【释】adj. 极权主义的
【例】a totalitarian regime
【释】n. 极权主义者
aloof /əˈluːf/
【释】adj. 冷漠的 (not friendly or forthcoming)
【例】He was a cold man, aloof and distant.
【近】distant, remote
【反】familiar, friendly
【释】adj. 超然的 (cool and distant)
【例】Part of their strategy is to remain aloof during the first stages of negotiation.
categorical /ˌkætəˈɡɔːrɪkl/
【释】adj. 绝对的 (unambiguously explicit and direct)
【例】a categorical assurance that annual premiums would not increase
【近】unconditional, absolute
enthrall /ɪnˈθrɔːl/
【释】v. 吸引住
【例】The exhibit of Calder’s early mobiles enthralled us.
【近】charm, captivate
gimmick /ˈɡɪmɪk/
【释】n. 花招;骗人的玩意
【例】The trivia contest was a gimmick to sell more newspapers.
【近】publicity stunt
layman /ˈleɪmən/
【释】n. 平信徒
【例】He was an active Catholic layman.
【释】n. 外行;非专业人员
【例】The book seems well suited to the inter-ested layman.
legitimize /lɪˈdʒɪtəmaɪz/
【释】v. 使合法;使合理
【例】The idea of an institution controlling knowledge in order to legitimize a political agenda isn’t new.
【近】validate, justify, legalize
fervent /ˈfɜːrvənt/
【释】adj. 热情的 (having a passionate intensity)
【例】the fervent hope that matters will be settled promptly
【近】impassioned, passionate, intense
courteous /ˈkɜːrtiəs/
【释】adj. 有礼貌的 (polite)
【例】Staff are courteous but never intrusive.
【近】civil, respectful, gracious, pleasant, cordial
enumerate /ɪˈnuːməreɪt/
【释】v. 列举;枚举 (mention one by one)
【例】The 2000 census enumerated 10,493 households in the county.
【近】list, cite, name
contagious /kənˈteɪdʒəs/
【释】adj. 有传染性的 (spread from one person or organism to another)
【例】a highly contagious disease of the lungs
phobia /ˈfoʊbiə/
【释】n. 恐惧症
【例】Fear of spiders is one of his many phobias.
【近】fear, dread, horror, aversion
forgery /ˈfɔːrdʒəri/
【释】n. 伪造(品)
【例】He was found guilty of forgery.
【近】fake, counterfeit
conceit /kənˈsiːt/
【释】n. 自负 (excessive pride in oneself)
【例】He was puffed up with conceit.
【近】vanity, pride, satisfaction
【释】n. 别出心裁的想象 (a fanciful expression in writing or speech)
【例】The idea of the wind’s singing is a prime romantic conceit.
【近】image, imagery, metaphor, idea
topography /təˈpɑːɡrəfi/
【释】n. 地形
【例】a study of the topography of the area
wager /ˈweɪdʒər/
【释】v./n. 打赌
【例】a wager of $100
peddle /ˈpedl/
【释】v. 兜售 (sell by going from place to place)
【例】His attempts to peddle his paintings around London’s tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.
【近】sell, hawk
【释】v. 宣扬;散布 (try very hard to get people to accept)
【例】They even set up their own news agency to peddle socialist propaganda.
crux /krʌks/
【释】n. 关键
【例】John will be living is the crux of the situation.
expiration /ˌekspəˈreɪʃn/
【释】n. 呼气,吐气
【释】n. 终结;期满 (the ending of the fixed period)
【例】the expiration of the lease
【用】expiration date 截止日期
translucent /trænsˈluːsnt/
【释】adj. 半透明的 (allowing light to pass through)
【近】semitransparent, semiopaque
ambience /ˈæmbiəns/
【释】n. 气氛,格调
【例】The overall ambience of the room is cozy.
【释】n. 周围环境 (environment)
【例】observing how the survival techniques of primates vary with the ambient
unscrupulous /ʌnˈskruːpjələs/
【释】adj. 不道德的 (showing no moral principles)
【例】We didn’t want to believe that someone in our group could be that unscrupulous.
【近】unprincipled, unethical
flashback /ˈflæʃbæk/
【释】n. 倒叙
【例】The reader is told the story in flashback.
【释】n. 往事突然重现,回忆闪现 (living through the experience again)
【例】war veterans suffering from nightmares and flashbacks
ameliorate /əˈmiːliəreɪt/
【释】v. 改善 (make it better)
【例】Steps have been taken to ameliorate the situation.
【近】amend, mitigate, mollify, placate
abate /əˈbeɪt/
【释】v. (某种威胁)减退 (become less intense or widespread)
【例】The wind had abated from force 10 to force 8.
【近】subside, lessen, diminish
【反】intensify, increase
pompous /ˈpɑːmpəs/
【释】adj. 自负的
【例】pompous officials
boon /buːn/
【释】n. 福音
【例】Their help was such a boon.
forgo /fɔːrˈɡoʊ/
【释】v. 放弃
【例】We’re not willing to forgo our dental insurance.
【近】give up
barter /ˈbɑːrtər/
【释】v./n. 以物换物 (exchange goods for goods)
【例】If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, we’ll give you paper in exchange for your timber.
cadence /ˈkeɪdns/
【释】n. 抑扬顿挫 (a modulation or inflection of the voice)
【例】He delivered his words in slow, measured cadences.
【近】intonation, accent, rhythm
quirk /kwɜːrk/
【释】n. 怪癖
【例】His distaste for travel is an endearing quirk.
【近】peculiarity, eccentricity
【释】n. 巧合
【例】A strange quirk of fate had led her to working for Nathan.
oddity /ˈɑːdəti/
【释】n. 奇异;古怪
【例】There was a real oddity about his art.
【近】eccentricity, strangeness
【释】n. 怪人
【例】She was regarded as a bit of an oddity.
thrift /θrɪft/
【释】n. 节俭
【例】the values of thrift and self-reliance
【近】frugality, economy
【释】n. [植物]海石竹
deflate /dɪˈfleɪt/
【释】v. 放掉…的气
【例】He deflated the tires.
【释】v. 使泄气
【例】The news had deflated him.
【释】v. 紧缩
【例】The budget deflated the economy.
【近】subdue, reduce
hallucination /həˌluːsɪˈneɪʃn/
【释】n. 幻觉
【例】Are you sure that what you saw wasn’t a hallucination?
【近】delusion, delirium
pretentious /prɪˈtenʃəs/
【释】adj. 做作的 (trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress)
【例】It’s so pretentious of her to greet everyone in French.
【近】artificial, elaborate, extravagant
imbue /ɪmˈbjuː/
【释】v. 使充满 (inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality)
【例】He managed to imbue his employees with team spirit.
【近】permeate, saturate
zigzag /ˈzɪɡzæɡ/
【释】n. 之字形
【例】They staggered in a zigzag across the tarmac.
【释】v. 曲折前进
【例】Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies.
mire /ˈmaɪər/
【释】n./v. (陷入)泥潭;(陷入)困境 (cause to become stuck in mud)
【例】The United States became mired in wars in Iraq.
【近】swamp, mess
impasse /ˈɪmpæs/
【释】n. 僵局;死路
【例】An impasse in the peace talks poses new challenges.
disparage /dɪˈspærɪdʒ/
【释】v. 贬低 (regard as being of little worth)
【例】I don’t mean to disparage your achieve-ments.
【近】ridicule, mock, scorn
callous /ˈkæləs/
【释】adj. 冷酷无情的 (showing cruel disregard for others)
【例】His callous comments about the murder made me shiver.
intricacy /ˈɪntrɪkəsi/
【释】n. 错综复杂 (the quality of being intricate)
【例】the exquisite intricacy of Indian silverwork
impromptu /ɪmˈprɑːmptuː/
【释】adj. 即兴的 (done without being planned)
【例】I’m sure his remarks were rehearsed, not impromptu.
【释】n. 即兴曲
rife /raɪf/
【释】adj. 普遍的;猖獗的
【例】Violence is rife in this area.
【近】widespread, common
【反】scarce, unknown, devoid