第二章 考研写作,怎样复习最有效
一 写作复习中的几个误区
(一) 存在侥幸心理,想“蒙混过关”
What a compendious and compelling image it is!As we can see from the cartoon,the cartoonist depicts a thought-provoking issue in an extremely exaggerated way.Interesting enough,(简要描述)What would the author like to express in such a humorous and exaggerated way?
It is self-evident that the topic of(主题词)revealed in the picture is thoughtful.Any discussion about it is inevitable coming down to the following causes.To begin with,the economic reform and scientific and technological progress in the past 30 years has led to extraordinary changes to our society and lives.Meanwhile,there are some positive/negative effects as well.For instance,the problem of(主题词)has been neglected by many of us.Secondly,huge changes have taken place,to which the corresponding law (rule/morality/mechanism/consensus)has not adapted.The subject of(主题词)has existed for a long time which should be paid enough attention to.
Therefore,on the one hand,the vigorous propaganda of mass media,such as TV,radio and website,is the desideratum.On the other hand,we should appeal to the authorities concerned to make some appropriate adjustment to adapt to similar phenomena.Just thinking over the long run,(主题词)is not only beneficial for us,but also good for the whole society.
在这篇充斥着长句难词的“范文”中,第一段涉及题目图画描述的只有一个句子,而且用问句结尾,没有对图画文字暗示进行翻译。第二段只为主题词留了三个填空位置,其他部分多为套话,如the economic reform and scientific and technological progress in the past 30 years has led to extraordinary changes to our society and lives.第三段也只给主题词留了一个位置,其他部分都是一字不改地套写。不敢想象,这样一篇只有一个描述句、几个主题词填空的“范文”,到了阅卷人手中,最后能得多少分。
(二) 背得多,练得少
Last mouth,I was traveling in Shanghai.I have a bad cold and fever,because I couldn't get used to the gold weather there.
写作点评:这是笔者批改的一份学生习作,在短短的一行英文中,就出现了拼写、语法和笔误三种错误。将“上个月”(last month)误写成last mouth,将“我得了重感冒”(I had a bad cold)误写成I have a bad cold,将“寒冷的天气”(cold weather)误写成gold weather。
Over-expectation of Some Chinese Parents towards their Children
Recently,the issue of over-expectation has become increasingly important.More and more social forces pay attention to it.The media,including radio,television and Internet,is supposed to give a wide coverage to this phenomenon.Another is the government intervention:laws should be passed to control the phenomenon of over-expectation.Otherwise,it will become even worse in our society.
(三) 无效背诵多
1)The picture above foresees a bright future/disturbing future of our society.以上图画预示着我们社会的美好未来(或令人担忧的前景)。
2)What does the author intend to convey by providing the picture above?作者提供上述图画,想要向我们说明什么呢?
3)By providing the picture above,the author tends to highlight certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.作者通过提供上述图画,似乎是要揭示某种引人深思的社会现象。
4)The drawing above does demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.以上图画的确反映了某种引人深思的社会现象。
5)No other drawings can better illustrate a kind of disturbing social phenomenon than this one.恐怕没有哪幅图画能比这幅更好地反映一种令人担忧的社会现象了。
背范文就要涉及关联词,例如,读者已经学会了“首先”“其次”“最后”的说法,即First...Second...Third and last...而到了另一篇范文又变成了To begin with...In addition...Last but not least...可是每次考试只写一篇大作文,这些词组能够同时用在一篇文章里的可能性很小。同理,在第二段如果使用for instance(举例),就没有必要再背很多同义词,如illustrate,demonstrate,prove,show...第三段如用to sum up做总结,则没必要再背太多的近义表达,如to conclude,in conclusion,in short,in a nutshell等。
1)Simple as the picture is,it does account for some social phenomenon in our country.尽管这幅图画很简单,但是它的确解释了我国的一些社会现象。
2)At the first glimpse,you will find that the cartoon seems superficial,but at a second thought,it is indeed instructive and thought-provoking.乍看起来,这幅漫画似乎很肤浅,但是仔细思考,就会发现它其实很有教育意义,引人深思。
3)Doesn't the cartoon above highlight certain social issue in our country?难道以上漫画没有反映出我国的某些社会问题吗?
4)What does the cartoonist intend to convey by depicting this picture?漫画家绘制以上图画是为了表达什么呢?