Part I Reading Comprehension
【解析】本题为细节题。本文以智者的话“Awise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”引入主题,即邪恶的胜利就是善良之人无所作为。从下文可知,作者要告诉人们,不应对罪犯再采取纵容的态度,为他们的犯罪行为寻找借口,而应认识到真正对犯罪行为负责的应该是罪犯本人。B选项与原文意思一致,为正确选项。A和D选项与智者的话意思相反。C选项文中并未提及。因此B选项正确。
【解析】本题为细节推理题。根据第八段“The main cause of this breakdown is a radical shift in attitudes. Thirty years ago, if a crime was committed, society was considered the victim.”可知,人们对罪犯态度彻底变了,为罪犯犯罪找借口。A选项符合原文意思。第六段中作者对小城镇人们对纪律和标准的坚持持积极态度,故排除B。C选项属无中生有。而D选项与作者观点正好相反。因此A选项正确。
【解析】本题为事实细节题。根据第二段“will worsen the traffic problem and tail-gas-related environmental…Petrol is another problem.”可知,A、B和C选项均为汽车业带来的问题。D选项文中并未提及。因此D选项正确。
【解析】本题为细节分析题。根据最后一段“Chinese automotive industrial experts predict that new fields in the trade will emerge to absorb domestic and overseas, investment.”可知,专家预测汽车行业会出现新的领域,这会吸收国内外的大量投资。D选项内容文中明确说明了,故排除。文章主要讲述的是政策带来的汽车行业的发展,以及对经济的影响。A选项符合这一中心思想,故为正确选项。B选项文中并未提。人们认为汽车发展带来许多问题,但并不是说他们就不赞同汽车业的快速发展,C选项不准确。因此A选项正确。
【解析】本题为细节分析题。根据文中第三段“If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment.”可知,单身的人不愿结婚的原因是不愿做出承诺,A选项符合原文意思。B、C和D选项并未提及。因此A选项正确。
【解析】本题为分析题。从最后一段“Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations.”可知,理解和接受可以让我们正确理解很多事。A、C和D选项文中均未提及,故排除。B选项符合原文意思,为正确选项。
【解析】本题为细节分析题。根据第三段中“Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations.”可知,真正的幸福与乐趣无关。D选项符合原文意思。A选项与原文意思正好相反。B和C选项并未提及。因此D选项正确。
【解析】本题为态度分析题。文章全篇都在讲虽然油炸食品一直饱受非议,但作者说“the consumers are not beset with more signs of indigestion than afflict those who insist upon broiling, roasting, or boiling.”意为油炸食品和其他食品一样容易消化。D选项符合作者的观点。因此D选项正确。
【解析】本题为细节分析题。根据第一段“Nevertheless, the skillet is about our handiest and most useful piece of kitchen equipment. Stalwart lumberjacks and others engaged in active labor requiring 4,000 calories per day or more will take approximately one-third of their rations prepared in this fashion.”可知,平底锅是最常用的炊具,制作油炸食品耗费的卡路里少。这说明油炸食品制作起来比较容易,不费事。A选项符合原文意思,为正确选项。
【解析】本题为细节推理题。纵观全文,可知作者支持油炸食品,在反驳传统观点的同时还分析了油炸食品的好处,如这种食物对于需要高卡路里的体力劳动者是合适的,而且(fat actually accelerated digestion)脂肪加速消化等,暗示人们反而应准备一些油炸食品,B选项正确。A选项与作者的观点相反,C选项“油炸食品只适合于成人”没有提及,D选项“避免高脂肪油炸食品,有选择性地挑选油炸食品”,作者并未提及,而且作者认为deep fat更有益消化。因此B选项正确。
【解析】本题为主旨判断题。文章主旨一般出现在第一段或文章最后一段。本文属开门见山。根据文章开头“Justice in society must include both a fair trial to the accused and the selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven utility.”可知,文章主要是讲如何对罪犯量刑,B选项符合文章主旨。A、C和D选项为细节内容。因此B选择正确。
【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中“He believed that society owed it to the criminal to administer a punishment equal to the crime he had committed. To the murderer nothing less than giving up his own life will pay his debt.”可知,黑格尔认为,如果一个人犯了罪,那么社会就应该用与其罪行相当的方式来惩罚他。对于那些杀人犯来说,只有死刑可以还社会一个公道。D选项符合原文意思,因此D选择正确。
【解析】本题为推断题。两种司法审判类型不同的根本原因在于司法理念的不同。Retributive justice认为:“…regarded as one form of equality”(司法公正是一种平等的形式),而corrective justice认为“The aim of it is not to abandon the concept of equality but to find a more adequate way to express it. It tries to preserve the idea of equal opportunity for each individual to realize the best that is in him.”(司法公正并不是不要平等,而是要找到一个更充分地表达平等的方式),所以两者之间最主要的差异应该是判刑的原因。因此C选项正确。
Part II Cloze Test
【解析】空白处说缓刑是另一种服刑的方式。serve a sentence表示“服刑”,为固定说法。因此B选项正确。
【解析】考查固定搭配。as for表示“至于,就……而言”,因此,空白处介词应是for。D为正确选项。
【解析】考查固定搭配。due to表示“归因于”,up to表示“由……决定”,owing to表示“由于”。空白处说这一决定取决于法官。因此,B选项符合原文意思,为正确选项。
【解析】考察固定搭配。but then表示“但另一方面;不过”,因此B选项正确。
【解析】空白处说假释犯人无法适应社会生活,很有可能又犯罪,导致再次进监狱。wind up表示“结束”。back表示“回原处”。因此C选项正确。
【解析】考查固定搭配。keep in touch with sb. 表示“与某人保持联系”,因此B选项正确。
【解析】help后面接动词原形或动词不定式。help sb. (to) do sth. 表示“帮助某人做某事”,因此排除A、B和C选项。set up表示“创立、建立”,符合原文意思。因此D选项正确。
【解析】enough of sth.表示“数量足够多”,enough for sth. 表示“对……来说足够了”。空白处说没有足够数量的假释官分配管理每一个假释人员。因此C选项正确。
【解析】考查固定词组。keep close connect with表示“保持密切联系”,此外,keep in contact with也表示“与……保持联系”,但不能用keep contact with sb.。因此A选项正确。
Part III Translation
Section A From English into Chinese
1. 人类创造了语言,使语言成为人与人进行交流的工具。口头语言和书面语言一个不同之处在于口头语言能用声音表达细微的意义差别。弗劳尔斯朗太太读《双城记》时就像是在唱歌,好听极了。她的朗读使我认识到语言的神奇。
2. 人们的注意力跨度很短,因此为抓住观众的注意力,电视必须通过多样化、新奇性和动作不断地提供刺激。这样做的结果是,新闻过于简短,不能提供有效的交流;很多新闻节目就像“机关枪发射碎片”,破坏了思维的连贯性。这种迎合注意力跨度短的做法,还会降低文化水平。避免了复杂性,也就牺牲了思考。成年美国人中“功能性文盲”人数不断增长,他们甚至不知道如何回答招聘广告或读懂药瓶上的说明,电视对此起码应负一部分责任。
Section B Translate Chinese into English
The legislative branch of the US federal government consists of two houses. The Senate has 100 members (two for each state) and the House of Representatives has 435 members. Each member represents his or her congressional district. According to the Supreme Court's regulations, population of congressional districts should be almost equal. A member of the House of Representatives, who should be more than 25 years old and a local resident and own the American citizenship for at least 7 years, is for general election for every two years. A senator, who should be more than 30 years old and a local resident and own the American citizenship for at least 9 years, is also elected.
Part IV Writing
My Opinion on the Reformation of China's Medical Treatment System
In recent years, there were many pieces of news about the conflicts between patients and doctors. Some patients or their relatives even killed doctors to give vent to their personal spite. People in both urban and rural areas complain they cannot afford seeing a doctor. When they get sick, they buy some medicines from a small pharmacy or bear the sickness silently and wait time to cure it, instead of going to the hospital. From my perspective of view, I am in favor of the reformation of the medical treatment system. And I believe whether it will succeed or not depends on the government.
From the angle of the whole society, the goal of the health and medical sector is to guarantee the health of all the Chinese people with the minimum input. In China, only the government is powerful enough to regulate this sector and achieve this goal. If the medical system was marketized, the medical organizations and staff would desire to earn more money and neglect to shoulder the social responsibility. Unfortunately, such a phenomenon does exist. Once my friend had a cough. When he went to the private hospital, the doctor asked him to have his chest X-rayed and buy lots of medicines far beyond enough. According to the doctor's advice, he took more medicine for three times a day, and took more than ten pills each time. What's worse, he felt worse. Then he went to a state-owned large hospital, and the doctor there advised him to stop taking medicine and have a good rest for several days. His case is not rare. The private hospital is not helpful to achieve the goal.
In my opinion, the government should issue more rigorous policies to regulate the medical sector and invest more revenue in improving it and subsiding the patients. Thus, we can have our expense covered and avoid being cheated by some private hospitals. And the relationship between patients and doctors can be more harmonious.