10 Ash Handling System
10.1 General Requirements
10.1.1 The ash handling system shall be selected through techno-economic comparison taking into account the amount,chemical and physical characteristics of ash,the type of boiler,ash precipitator and bottom ash removal equipment,quality and quantity of ash sluicing water,the distance and elevation difference between the power plant and the ash yard in conjunction with the general layout,transportation conditions,topographic and geologic conditions,available water resources,and meteorological conditions.If conditions permit,dry ash handling shall be applied.
10.1.2 For power plants where the ash comprehensive utilization conditions are made available,the central ash collection and the connections for transporting ash outside shall be designed.For power plants where the intention of ash recycling is reached but the recycling ways and conditions are not determined temporarily,the system design shall reserve the conditions for ash recycling.
10.1.3 The capacity of the ash handling system shall be calculated based on the total ash discharged from the boilers when burning design coal under BRL condition.The capacity of various subsystems in the plant area may be provided with a certain margin respectively according to specific conditions,while the capacity of the offsite handling system should be determined according to the available actual conditions of ash recycling.