3 Requirements of Electric Power System on Fossil Fired Power Plants
3.1 Basic Requirement
3.1.1 In the electric power system,fossil-fired power units can be classified into base load units,peak load regulation units,black start units,cogeneration units,and resource comprehensive utilization units.
3.1.2 The base load units shall be highly reliable and stable and can effectively participate in the primary and secondary frequency modulation of the power grid.
3.1.3 The peak load regulation units shall meet the requirements of quick start-up,flexible load changes and can accommodate frequent start/shut-down operations.
3.1.4 The black start units shall be capable of starting up,the grid-connected power generating on their own without the aid of any external power supply.
3.1.5 The cogeneration units shall serve to supply both electricity and heat,and during the period of heat-supply for outside customers they shall have higher reliability.
3.1.6 For resource comprehensive utilization units that burn fuels with low heat values,such as gangue,coal slime and oil shale,the requirements on reliability and flexibility should not be too stringent.