Whenever the “cat gets your tongue” or a situation demands meaning “in a nutshell,” there can be no better way to “say it with words” than injecting an idiom into the conversation. The Chinese language is especially rich in idioms where a suitable phrase can be found for nearly every occasion.
It goes without saying that the expression contained in idioms is innately linked to their native culture and, although they are a refined method of expressing a specific meaning, the richness of this form of language can be greatly enhanced by an understanding of the historical background and origin of such phrases.
Chinese idioms abound in stories, many of which are now forgotten or unknown to Chinese speakers today even though the idioms themselves are still being used every day.
Originally published in a weekly column in Shanghai Daily, this collection of one hundred Chinese idioms details the stories behind each one and offers a humorous and fascinating insight into the cultural history of China.
From paper tigers to praying mantis, and from the music of nature to heavenly robes, these tales have not only shed light on the traditional Chinese way of thinking, but also illustrated many of its ancient customs.
So for those who delight in history and are eager to gain a better understanding of the Chinese culture and language, the book Chinese Idioms and Their Stories provides an excellent way of “killing two birds with one stone.”