Next, add a script to the Coin node. If you choose Empty in the Template setting, Godot will create an empty script without any comments or suggestions. The code for the coin's script is much shorter than the code for the player's:
extends Area2D
var screensize = Vector2()
func pickup():
The pickup() function is called by the player script and tells the coin what to do when it's been collected. queue_free() is Godot's node removal method. It safely removes the node from the tree and deletes it from memory along with all of its children. Later, you'll add a visual effect here, but for now the coin disappearing is good enough.
queue_free() doesn't delete the object immediately, but rather adds it to a queue to be deleted at the end of the current frame. This is safer than immediately deleting the node, because other code running in the game may still need the node to exist. By waiting until the end of the frame, Godot can be sure that all code that may access the node has completed and the node can be removed safely.