Mobile Test Automation with Appium

Installing Android SDK (using the Android command-line tool)

  1. Navigate to the Android Studio page and download the command-line tools (for more information visit this link:
  2. Once downloaded, extract the same in a folder of your choice.
  3. Rename the extracted file, for your convenience, to Android SDK.
  4. Android SDK contains only the basic SDK tools and does not contain any platform or library; we need to download the same before we start using it:
    1. Launch the terminal and navigate to the folder where the ZIP file was extracted. In the terminal, type android and press enter.
    2. Android SDK Manager will start with a new window.
    3. Select one of the android platform Android  7.0 (API 24) and choose the given packages: ARM EABI v7a System Image, Intel x86 Atom System Image, and SDK Platform.
    4. Under the Tools section, select Android SDK, Android SDK Platform-tools, and Android SDK Build-tools.
    5. Under the Extra section, select Google Play Services.
  1. Open the .bash_profile file and enter the following lines at the bottom:
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:
  1. Save the file and run this command:
      source ~/.bash_profile 
  1. Run the next command to check whether the Android home is set properly:

      echo $ANDROID_HOME