Mastering SciPy

About the Reviewers

Raiyan Kamal is a strong proponent of the open source movement and everything related to Python. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer science from BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and a master's degree from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He has been working in the software industry for several years, developing software for mobile, web, and desktop platforms. Although he is in his early thirties, Raiyan feels that his boyhood has not ended yet. He often looks for hidden treasures in science, engineering, programming, art, and nature. He is currently working at IOU Concepts, exploring different ways of saying thank you. When he isn't on a computer, he plants trees and composts kitchen scraps.

Kristen Thyng has worked on scientific computing for most of her career. She has a bachelor's degree in physics from Whitman College, master's degree in applied mathematics from the University of Washington, and PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington. She uses Python on a daily basis for analysis and visualization in physical oceanography at Texas A&M University, where she works as an assistant research scientist.

Jonathan Whitmore is a data scientist at Silicon Valley Data Science. He has a diverse range of interests and is excited by the challenges in data science and data engineering. Before moving into the tech industry, he worked as an astrophysicist in Melbourne, Australia, researching whether the fundamental physical constants have changed over the lifespan of the universe. He has a long-standing commitment to the public's understanding of science and technology, and has contributed to FOSS projects. He co-starred in the 3D IMAX film Hidden Universe, which was playing in theaters around the world at the time of writing this book. Jonathan is a sought-after conference speaker on science and technical topics. He received his PhD in physics from the University of California, San Diego, and graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University with a bachelor's degree in science. He is also a triple major in physics (with honors), philosophy, and mathematics.