About the Authors
Jens Grubert is a researcher at the Graz University of Technology. He has received his Bakkalaureus (2008) and Dipl.-Ing. with distinction (2009) at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. As a research manager at Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Germany, he conducted evaluations of industrial Augmented Reality systems until August 2010. He has been involved in several academic and industrial projects over the past years and is the author of more than 20 international publications. His current research interests include mobile interfaces for situated media and user evaluations for consumer-oriented Augmented Reality interfaces in public spaces. He has over four years of experience in developing mobile Augmented Reality applications. He initiated the development of a natural feature tracking system that is now commercially used for creating Augmented Reality campaigns. Furthermore, he is teaching university courses about Distributed Systems, Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality.
Website: www.jensgrubert.com.
Dr. Raphael Grasset is a senior researcher at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision. He was previously a senior researcher at the HIT Lab NZ and completed his Ph.D. in 2004. His main research interests include 3D interaction, computer-human interaction, augmented reality, mixed reality, visualization, and CSCW. His work is highly multidisciplinary; he has been involved in a large number of academic and industrial projects over the last decade. He is the author of more than 50 international publications, was previously a lecturer on Augmented Reality, and has supervised more than 50 students. He has more than 10 years of experience in Augmented Reality (AR) for a broad range of platforms (desktop, mobile, and the Web) and programming languages (C++, Python, and Java). He has contributed to the development of AR software libraries (ARToolKit, osgART, and Android AR), AR plugins (Esperient Creator and Google Sketchup), and has been involved in the development of numerous AR applications.
Website: www.raphaelgrasset.net.