我对他的商业模式基因工程学尤其感兴趣。毫无疑问,他对价值链组成和拓扑结构的细致描述,是对迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)教授的价值链模型最大胆的“颠覆式创新”。他给出的企业内部价值运动逻辑,让创新管理的许多碎片式发现,都变成了他的理论的推论。他提出的价值链最小功能单位“价值环节”在未来商业理论中所起的作用,将不亚于基因在生物学中的作用、字节在计算机科学中的作用。
克莱顿·M. 克里斯坦森
哈佛商学院工商管理Kim B. Clark教席教授
Dr. Dai, the new paradigm of economics, enterprise designing and out-of-order process management, all of these new subjects were very illuminating for me. After all, no innovation can be more exciting than the foundation of a new subject of study.
I am also interested in your genome survey of business models. Your intricate description of the composition and topology of value chains is unquestionably the boldest “disruptive innovation” toward Michael Porter’s value chain model. The logic of internal value movements that you purposed enabled many disconnected discoveries from innovation management to become evidence for your theory. The minimum unit of value chain suggested by you, “the value link”, will be no less significant in future business theories as genes in biology and bytes in computer science.
You are the most talented, innovative, yet disruptive Chinese I have ever seen. I always wondered how pure and tranquil a mind must be to persistently listen to the voice of truth and discover so many innovations in business theories.
1 此文是作者与美国哈佛商学院克莱顿·M. 克里斯坦森(Clayton M. Christensen教授在2019年夏季的往来邮件,克里斯坦森教授是颠覆性创新理论之父,于2020年1月23日去世。现将他的邮件译成中文,作为本书推荐序二以示对大师的纪念。